Wonder Lister
User guide

Using Bulk Editor

Bulk Edit powerful as it is can also be dangerous if wrong changes are done since it can modify hundreds, even thousands or more items in a very short period of time. Exercise extreme caution when doing Bulk Changes. Even if you have slightest doubt in your mind as to what is going to happen, do NOT assume any specific result. ALWAYS, do a sanity test using a sample of 2 to 5 test items first making sure the resultant changes are as you expected.
Bulk Editor works the same way for both Listing Templates and Listings (aka items).
Use the Bulk Editor to make same set of changes to one or more items. To make different changes to multiple items, each item must be edited individually in Simple Editor or Full Editor.
Options to apply bulk changes to ended listings
You will not see these options for Listing Template.
Listings that are already Ended/Completed are skipped - no change is applied to them
If the items selected contain an Ended/Complated listing, then, changes will be applied as specified in various tab and a new listing submitted to eBay
If the items selected contain an Ended/Complated listing, then, changes will be applied as specified in various tab and the ended listing itself will be relisted. Please note, Relist operation, by definition, means eBay should have the original listing that is being relisted. Some Old Ended/Completed listings may no longer be available on eBay and if so, the Relist operation will fail.
This window has the following tabs:
Make your changes in various tabs and when done, use one of the following buttons:
Save Changes
Saves the changes within Wonder Lister only. Changes made are NOT sent to eBay. Thus, your listings (if Bulk change is being applied to Listings) data may be out of sync with what eBay has. Such Active Listings are shown in Red color in the Grid (of Listings tab).
Submit Changes
Saves the changes as above and also sends the changes to eBay.
Closes the window without making any changes.