Wonder Lister
User guide

Search eBay Catalog

To create your new item using eBay catalog, click on the button "Search eBay Catalog".
A new window will open where you can search eBay's catalog.
Field name
Search by
Select the criterion based on which to search. Options are:
Keywords - To search by some keyword
UPC - By product's UPC code
ISBN - ISBN of the book
MPN - By Manufacturer Part Number
Reference - eBay's Product Reference ID
Search value
Enter the corresponding value  on which to search. This field must be entered.
Click to search based on the entered search parameters.
For example: Doing a search on Keywords as "iPhone 11" displays the following results:
Each search result page contains 20 products. If the search produced more than 20 products, you can go to the next page of search results by entering desired page number into the "Goto Page" field and clicking on the button "Display". The total number of pages available is also displayed.
Once you have located the product you wish to use, you can either double-click on it or simply select it and click on the button "Close View, Use Selected Product".
To close the dialog without using any product, simply click on the button "Close View, Do not see my Product" or simply close the entire window.
If you did select a Product to use in your item, the details of that item will be reflected on the Product Details tab.
Sometimes selecting an eBay Catalog Product displays a Script Error dialog like the one shown below:
Keep clicking Yes (or No) until the error dialog disappears.
The details of the selected eBay Catalog Product will be displayed in the Product Details section as follows:
The Title and some Product Identifier fields will be updated from the selected product.
If you wish to use standard description of the selected product, leave the product description field blank in the editor. To use your own description, enter it in the editor's Main Details section.