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Wonder Lister
User guide
Explanation of Terms Used
Database Backup
Database Restore
Business Profiles
Description Template
Frequently Asked Questions
Related to Wonder Lister User Interface
How many tabs can be opened simultaneously
How do I close a tab
How do I close all the tabs
How do I close all other tabs except one
How do I check if there is an updated version available?
Explain the difference between one-at-a-time-submission versus Submission-as-a-job
What is a leaf category?
Related to Listing Templates
What is a Listing Template?
How is a Listing Template different than a Listing?
How do I start creating new Listing Template?
How do I edit one Template at a time?
In Simple Editor
In Full Editor
In Tab Mode
Product Details
Search eBay Catalog
Main Details
Weights & Dimensions
Unique Identifiers
Consignor Details
eBay Details
Amazon Details
Custom Fields
Item Specifics
Automation Rule
Submission Results
Editor Command Buttons
In Single Page Mode
Using Bulk Editor
Common Fields tab
Text Fields tab
Pictures tab
Compatibilities tab
How do I edit one or more templates all at once?
How can I edit Item Specifics for multiple templates?
How do I create Listing from Template?
How do I prevent certain fields from duplicating?
How do I add or remove templates to my folder?
How do I archive/Unarchive templates?
How do I delete my templates?
How can I set my template to create listing automatically?
How can I remove an auto list rule from all selected templates
How can I find templates with any Auto List Rule set?
How can I export my templates to a CSV or XML file?
How do I export to CSV for other marketplaces (Amazon etc)
Manage Export Views
Manage Export Names Mapper
How can I generate bar codes for my templates?
How can I force re-uploading of my images?
How do I see eBay fees before submitting?
How can I see my templates for a specific eBay site and/or specific eBay account?
Related to Listings
What's the difference between Importing and Refreshing from eBay?
How do I start creating new Listing?
How do I edit one Listing at a time?
How do I edit one or more listings all at once?
How can I edit Item Specifics for multiple listings?
How do I create Listing Template from Listing?
How do I prevent certain fields from duplicating?
How do I add or remove listings to my folder?
How do I archive / Unarchive listings?
How do I delete my listings?
How can I set my listings to automatically relist when they end?
How can I find listings with any Auto Relist Rule set?
How can I export my Listings to a CSV or XML file?
How do I export to CSV for other marketplaces (Amazon etc)
How can I generate bar codes for my listings
How can I force re-uploading of my images?
How do I see eBay fees before submitting?
How can I see my listings for a specific eBay site and/or specific eBay account?
Some of my Listings are shown in Red, what does that mean?
How do I refresh my listings from eBay
How do I end my listings
I made changes to my description template, but my listings are still showing old description
How do I enable charity listings?
Counts displayed do not match with eBay. What should I do?
How do I copy my existing listings from one eBay account to another?
Related to Sales
How do I add or remove sales to my folder?
How do I archive/Unarchive sales?
How do I customize my invoices?
How can I export my Sales to a CSV or XML file?
Related to Database
Making a backup copy of the database
Restoring database from a backup
Compacting database
Migrating database to another computer
Can I open the same tab multiple times?
Getting an error related to security token. What should I do?
What is the maximum number of variations can I have in a listing?
Relating to Pictures
Can I Delete my pictures from my computer after creating a listing?
Can I replace my pictures from my computer after creating a listing?
Relating to Wonder Lister Subscription
How can I end my trial early to get full functionality?
How can I upgrade my subscription?
How do I cancel my subscription?
Which operating systems are supported by Wonder Lister?
Can I install Wonder Lister on multiple computers?
Twitter Integration
Tweet a listing
Best Practices
How to Register
Downloading Wonder Lister application
Installing Wonder Lister
Setting up Wonder Lister
On First Computer
Create a new SQL Server
Connect to an existing SQL Server
Connect to an existing local SQL Server
Connect to an existing network SQL Server
On Subsequent Computers
Upgrading Wonder Lister
Listing Templates
What is a Listing Template?
What are the different sections of the Listing Templates tab?
Search / Advanced Search
Simple Search
Advanced Search
Searching with the grid data
User Managed User Folders
Rule Based User Folders
System Folders
Hide/Show Folders area
Changing the width of the folders area
Enable / Disable counts
Refreshing the counts
Operating the Grid
Adjusting the height of the pictures displayed in the Grid
Command Bar
Simple Editor
Common Fields
Custom Fields
What is a Listing?
What are the different sections of the Listing tab?
Search / Advanced Search
Simple Search
Advanced Search
Searching with the grid data
User Managed User Folders
Rule Based Folders
System Folders
Hide/Show Folders area
Changing the width of the folders area
Enable / Disable counts
Refreshing the counts
Operating the Grid
Adjusting the height of the pictures displayed in the Grid
Command Bar
Simple Editor
Common Fields
Custom Fields
What are the different sections of the Sales tab?
Search / Advanced Search
Simple Search
Advanced Search
User Managed User Folders
Rule Based Folders
System Folders
Hide/Show Folders area
Changing the width of the folders area
Enable / Disable counts
Refreshing the counts
Operating the Grid
Command Bar
Sales Report
Sales Tax Report
Consignor Report
Updating data from eBay
Importing Listings
Importing Orders
Refreshing eBay fees
Import Best Offers
Refresh User Preferences
Refresh Store
Refreshing Business Profiles
Refresh Feedback Received
Refresh Feedback Left
Refresh eBay Details
Refresh Categories & Features
Refresh Compatibilities
Refresh List of Charities
Refresh Themes & Designs
Managing Preferences
How can I make independent set of folders for Templates, Listings and Sales?
How can I add an item to multiple User Managed User Folders?
Batch submission cutoff limit
Choosing a Picture hosting provider
Saving pictures of listings on eBay
Configuring automatic database backup
Managing Sales Promotions
How to create Auto List Rule?
How can I edit an auto list rule I created?
How can I delete an auto list rule?
How can I enable/disable an auto list rule I created?
How to manage Auto Relist Rules?
Custom Fields
Grouping Custom Fields
Description Templates & Tags
Invoice Templates
Managing Consignors & Consignor Policies
Business Policies
Return Policy
Managing Users
Managing eBay Accounts
Adding an eBay account
Reauthorizing an account
Removing an account
Managing eBay Sites
Using Picture Library
Managing Storage Locations
Monitoring Jobs submitted
Customizing the Full Editor
Hiding fields you never use
Display as Single Page
Display as Tabs
Configuring Picture hosting site
Setting up Google Drive
Setting up
Configure Description Editor Mode
Managing Grid Layouts
Operating the Grid
Selecting a single item
Selecting multiple items
Selecting all items
Display Next Batch of items on same page
Display Previous Batch of items on same page
Pagination Area
Display Next Page
Display Previous Page
Display First Page
Display Last Page
Changing the Page Size
Grouping data by column(s)
Changing the width of columns
Changing the order of the columns
Filtering data of a column
Sorting data
Sorting by Single Column
Sorting by multiple columns
What are the different sections of the Listing tab?
Refreshing the counts
Previous page
Next page
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Refreshing the counts
While system automatically computes and refreshes the folder counts, sometime, you may want to do it yourself to see the counts as of now. To refresh the counts manually, click on the green
Refresh (
shown as an image